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Agent configuration💡

The agent configuration allows you to customize various parameters for the behavior of the agent. Below is an example file illustrating the structure and available fields for configuring the agent:

Note: You can configure the agent both from the command line interface and from a configuration file.

CLI Usage💡

To start the loadbot agent, use the following command:

  loadbot start-agent [flags]

  -f, --config-file string                     Config file for loadbot-agent
  -h, --help                                   help for start-agent
      --metrics_export_interval_seconds uint   Prometheus export push interval
      --metrics_export_port string             Expose metrics on port instead pushing to prometheus
      --metrics_export_url string              Prometheus export url used for pushing metrics
  -n, --name string                            Agent name
  -p, --port string                            Agent port
      --stdin                                  Provide configuration from stdin.

Note: Configurations specified from the command line interface will overwrite those from the configuration file.

Configuration file💡

In the configuration file, you're able to configure both workloads and the agent, whereas via the command-line interface, you can solely configure the agent.

    "agent": {
        "name": "mongo 6.0.8 workload",
        "port": "1234",
        "metrics_export_url": "http://victoria-metrics:8428/api/v1/import/prometheus",
        "metrics_export_interval_seconds": 10,
        "metrics_export_port": "9090",

Note: The agent configuration is only applied when the agent is started. It cannot be changed at runtime using commands such as loadbot config.

Agent Fields💡

  • name (string, optional): Specifies the name of the agent. This field is used as a label in the metrics exporter. Useful when exporting metrics from multiple agents.
  • port (string, optional): Specifies the port on which the agent listens for incoming connections.
  • metrics_export_url (string, optional): If set, metrics will be pushed to the specified endpoint in the Prometheus standard format.
  • metrics_export_interval_seconds (integer, optional): Specifies the interval (in seconds) at which metrics are pushed to the export endpoint.
  • metrics_export_port (string, optional): If set, metrics will be accessible on the provided port.